State Fair Sampler Quilt Round Up
In 2020, I started the State Fair Sampler Block of the Month Program, where I sent quilters three quilt block patterns each month. The blocks were based on a tile frieze found on the Iowa State Fairgrounds. (You can learn more about the the quilt here and find the complete pattern here.)
Everything was going well and then Covid hit… My plans to make the quilt again with everyone got derailed - I was just trying to hang on and get the patterns out each month. Other quilters also had to push pause and are starting back up again now.
But some amazing people were able to keep sewing along and I wanted to share their quilts with you.
This quilt is by Kristi @71stitches. I love the dark background and bright colors!
I love the soft colors that @GretchenRoestel used. So sweet and calm!
This scrappy cutie was made by my real life neighbor @karintobrien. There are so many fun fabrics in there and she even quilted it herself!
This beautiful version was made by @alicedotquilting from the United Kingdom. It is fun to think of people all around the world making this Iowa State Fair quilt!
Those purples really make this version by Chelsea @seabeam pop! Love it!
Love this version by @creeksidequiltstudio. Especially the yellow and pink blocks!
Love this throw version by Bonnie @allsalt1. The tiny extra border and and yellow binding make the whole thing pop.
Love this fun layout by
Love the quilting on this version by Pam.
Carin made this beauty!
Love the greens in this version by Barbara.
Jill made this beauty in the original tile colors.
Look at this beauty made by Judith!
I know some people have started to make some of the blocks again. If you finish your quilt, let me know and I’ll post a picture of it here too. It’s so fun to see them all together!
If you want to make the State Fair Sampler yourself, it’s not too late, you can find the pdf pattern here.