Quarter Square Triangle Quilt

Last week I finished my final quilt for 2017. I started it last fall after I won a layer cake of Denyse Schmidt's Stonington line of fabric. As luck would have it, I had recently bought a stack of DS fat quarters on sale at my local quilt shop and this quilt was born.

simple twin sized scrappy quilt made with Denyse Schmidt's Stonington fabric

I made eighty 8" finished quarter square triangles from the fabrics. I was planning on just sewing them together randomly, but when I laid the blocks out it was a bit too crazy. My daughter and I rearranged the blocks until we came up with this. A few stripes of color going vertically and horizontally. I think it gives just the right amount of structure to the crazy. (Love the yellows!)

simple twin sized scrappy quilt made with Denyse Schmidt's Stonington fabric

Some of the fabrics I absolutely love and others I wouldn't have bought (they came in the layer cake), but they all work well together. And they work with the couple of Cotton and Steel prints I threw in too!

simple twin sized scrappy quilt made with Denyse Schmidt's Stonington fabric
simple twin sized scrappy quilt made with Denyse Schmidt's Stonington fabric

A new favorite finish and a new quilt holder in training!

Happy New Year!

Quilt Stats:

Material: Various Denyse Schmidt lines and a couple of Cotton and Steel prints

Binding: Scrappy. Finished with a utility zig zag.

Size: 64" x 80"