All the Things

Well, it has been over two months since I last posted.   The reason is that our plans to move to St Louis this summer (work related) really picked up.  I have been cleaning, fixing and failing to fix things, looking at houses, looking at schools and generally doing all of the things that I don't like to do for two months straight.  I keep thinking that the end is in sight, but there is always more to do.

But, we do seem to be making some progress towards listing our home and we made an offer on a home in St Louis this week that was accepted!   So we will at least have a place to live when we move - you know, after we arrange inspections, home insurance, movers etc.  Can you tell I hate moving?  :)

In more exciting quilting news, my iquilt class, You Can Piece! Weekend Sampler is live!  It is really good.  I was worried that I would watch it and cringe, but I really like it.  I cover all the skills you need to know when you start quilting:  fabric selection, cutting, pressing, 1/4" seams, half square triangles, quarter square triangles and flying geese.  It would be the perfect class for a friend that is wanting to learn how to quilt.  And it is on sale this weekend!  $17.95 or $14.35 for AQS members.  You can buy it as a gift for a friend!

If you just want to hear what my voice sounds like, you can check out this tip video promo. (Seriously YouTube?  You pause the video with my face like that?  Sigh.) I am trying to get the word out about the class.  You all probably don't need help with cutting fabric or making half square triangles, but maybe you know someone who does and I would love it if you would let them know about the class - and I am willing to provide an incentive.  :)

I posted a link to my class on my Facebook page.  If you are on Facebook, tag someone in the comments that you think might enjoy taking the class. On Tuesday I will randomly choose someone who was tagged to receive my class for free and I will send the person who tagged them a curated bundle of fabric from my stash based on their personal likes. Each person you tag is an entry for that person and for yourself, so tag as many people as you like. 

Here is a link to my Facebook post.

  Thanks so much!  I hope you have a great weekend and get in some sewing.  I will be out working in the yard.  :)

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