Seeing Red

There has been a lot of red happening around here.  A garden full of tomatoes means more canning and drying than I care to do right now.  Yet, I still really want home canned tomatoes all winter...want to come can for me?

I started a tradition years and years ago that the kids and I would go out to dinner one night if my husband was out of town on a business trip.  Then a few years ago I told myself that I could either go out to dinner or buy the equivalent  dollar amount in fabric.  So this year as my husband drove around the mid-west looking at corn, I made dinner and treated myself to some fabric.  :)  I have had this quilt on my mind for awhile and bought some vintage inspired Christmas fabrics to make it.

 I also bought some great reds to make up into a tree skirt for Christmas.  Yes, he was out of town tons this month!  I am going to make the tree skirt using my Diamond Quilt tutorial.  I have to say it was really handy to re-read the tutorial and not have to figure out how many diamonds to cut.

I have been using the cutting scraps to make this red and white hexi slab.  I think it wants to be a pillow.  Yep, I have Christmas on the mind, but if I don't start now it will be another Christmas with a random piece of fabric wrapped around the tree.

But I haven't totally forgotten about fall.  We went and picked some apples at a friend's house yesterday.  So this weekend we will be making applesauce and apple pie.  I love this time of year!

LeilaChristmas, WIP3 Comments